
Mobile First Design

Chances are high you’re reading this on a mobile device. Mobile phones and tablets are expected to exceed 60% of website traffic in 2024.¹ Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search results so it's essential that your website is screen friendly. Hypha adopts a “mobile first” design philosophy. Every website we build is tested on various devices and browsers.

¹Statcounter GlobalStats


In 2024, the global ecommerce market is estimated to be worth $6.33 trillion, an 8.8% increase over the previous year. Ecommerce growth is expected to continue in the coming years.² If you’re looking to sell your goods or services now is a great time. We build beautiful ecommerce websites using Shopify─the most trusted ecommerce platform on the internet.



Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is about helping search engines understand your content, and helping users find your site.³ Quality branding and marketing copy are important aspects of your online presence. We work closely with our clients to bring their websites to the front page of Google search results.
